The Films

In 2008 I started to make long-duration digital videos. It was a kind of therapy, overlaying my teenage years with ideas of 1980s Zeitgeist: Rubik Cubes, Video Games, Vaserely, Columbo, Tron, Kraftwerk… I realised that these were expressing an early non-linear digital state, using analogue techniques just before a computer age. Picture Columbo first realising he could cut and splice a tape to alter a timeline. Picture the Rubik Cube- and Vaserely, Sol Lewitt, essentially ‘computing’ thousands of possibilities, but with paint. Picture the vast cultural shift that occurred when the world broke from analogue thinking into digital immersion, from linear to multi-directional - into a hyperscript, into an avatar-based living. These would be the foundational elements of A.i. : the shift from analogue to digital is evolution.

I made three 35mins detective films (digital video), Columbo Eats Columbo, 2009, KANE’s Revolutions, 2010, both in London, and the The Shrinking City, 2012 filmed in Detroit. The detective finds clues, mapping and uncovering a new world view from fragmented psychogeographies.

KANE’s Revolutions, was made with Beaconsfield Gallery London. The films have been shown there; West Den Haag; Pratt Manhattan Gallery, New York; Mocad Detroit; Enclave London; Kim Kim Gallery Seoul; Le Centre Pompidou, Paris.

The full movies can be seen on vimeo :


Early Digital Works